The LifeAid Blog

Welcome to the LifeAid Blog. This has been set up to let you know what is happening in the world of LifeAid and will include dates for Training, Stories from those “on the job”, Photos, Healthcare and Fire Fighting information. The intent is to not only produce content from the blog manager but also take submissions for inclusion from our many valuable staff resulting in a rich, vibrant and interesting place to go to.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Wye River - Separation Creek - Forrest - Birregurra (Victoria) Fire Support 2015-2016

On the 24th December 2015, LifeAid was requested to provide Fire Fighter support by DELWP (Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning ex-DEPI) initially on the fire front in Wye River and Separation Creek where over 160 houses sadly were lost. This later expanded to Base Camp support at Forrest and Birregurra. Over the duration of the deployment 24th Dec 2015 to 22nd Jan 2016 LifeAid tended to the Crews of not only DELWP but also the CFA, CFS, NZ Fire Service and the MFB.
 First Aid Station at the Forrest Base Camp, Forrest Cricket Club
 Forrest Base Camp by day
Forrest Base Camp by night
It's raining, how can there be a fire?
 A very dry Lake Colac

Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning

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