The LifeAid Blog

Welcome to the LifeAid Blog. This has been set up to let you know what is happening in the world of LifeAid and will include dates for Training, Stories from those “on the job”, Photos, Healthcare and Fire Fighting information. The intent is to not only produce content from the blog manager but also take submissions for inclusion from our many valuable staff resulting in a rich, vibrant and interesting place to go to.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Gelantipy DEPI Fire Support 2014

In February and March 2014, LifeAid was heavily involved in the Victoria bush-fires in support of the CFA (Country Fire Authority) and DEPI (Department of Environment and Primary Industries).

Several rotations of staff occurred in the location of Gelantipy in the Victorian high country.
This fire was one of the largest of the fire season and after combining with the Orbost fire-front a huge swathe of East Gippsland was burnt out.

Views of the fire-front over the hills. At this stage it was about 2-3km away.
 The wind then changed direction shrouding the Gelantipy Camp in Smoke
The days were so hot, even the Ambulance was looking for shade

 As well as providing Emergency call out and fire-front support, LifeAid also provided preventative care and out-patients type services (Complete with comfy chairs).
Unusual CFA Land Rover Defender Fire unit from Metung CFA

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