The LifeAid Blog

Welcome to the LifeAid Blog. This has been set up to let you know what is happening in the world of LifeAid and will include dates for Training, Stories from those “on the job”, Photos, Healthcare and Fire Fighting information. The intent is to not only produce content from the blog manager but also take submissions for inclusion from our many valuable staff resulting in a rich, vibrant and interesting place to go to.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

A Little Light Hearted LifeAid Humour

LifeAid ADF Support 2007

In 2007 LifeAid was contracted to provide Medical support for the Army's School of Armour at Puckapunyal in Victoria.

Recent Changes to the Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines

 Since August 2016 there are some changes that have been made to the following ARC Guidelines:

Guideline 2 – Managing an Emergency
Guideline 9.2.1 – Recognition and First Aid Management of Heart Attack
Guideline 9.2.2 – Stroke
Guideline 9.2.7 – First Aid Management of Anaphylaxis
Guideline 9.4.3 – Envenomation from Tick Bites and Bee, Wasp and Ant Stings
Guideline 10.6 - Family Presence during Resuscitation
Guideline 11.5 – Medications in Adult Cardiac Arrest
Guideline 11.10.1 - Management of Cardiac Arrest due to Trauma
Guideline 12.4 – Medications and Fluids in Paediatric Advanced Life Support
Guideline 12.5 – Management of Specific Dysrhythmias in Paediatric Advanced Life Support