The LifeAid Blog

Welcome to the LifeAid Blog. This has been set up to let you know what is happening in the world of LifeAid and will include dates for Training, Stories from those “on the job”, Photos, Healthcare and Fire Fighting information. The intent is to not only produce content from the blog manager but also take submissions for inclusion from our many valuable staff resulting in a rich, vibrant and interesting place to go to.

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Recent Changes to the Australian Resuscitation Council Guidelines

Since July 2014 there are some changes that have been made to the following ARC Guidlines:

Guideline 4 - Airway

"In an unconscious victim, care of the airway takes precedence over any injury, including the possibility of spinal injury (Refer to Guideline 9.1.6). All unconscious victims should be handled gently with no twisting or bending of the spinal column and especially the neck. If it is necessary, move the head gently to obtain a clear airway. Where possible, an assistant should support the head when an injured victim is being moved, but no time should be wasted in detailed positioning.

The victim should not be routinely rolled onto the side to assess airway and breathing. Assessing the airway of the victim without turning onto the side (i.e. leaving the victim on the back or in the position in which they have been found) has the advantages of simplified teaching, taking less time to perform and avoids movement."

Guideline 8 - CPR

"If rescuers are unwilling or unable to do rescue breathing they should do chest compressions only. If chest compressions only are given, they should be continuous at a rate of approximately 100/min."